Mrs. Cummings'
Language Arts

Home Page

Mrs. Cummings’ class is all about the art of the English language!  We write every day to prepare for our state mandated  F-CAT exam, but more importantly, we write to learn about ourselves and to prepare for LIFE! Furthermore, we study poetry, short stories, non-fiction articles, and novels; we learn high-level vocabulary and spelling, and practice speaking publically, all the while enjoying an organized, consistent, fast-paced classroom.  In addition, our school offers MY ACCESS, an online essay writing program that supports classroom instruction to build superb writing skills.

Mission Statement: 
With compassion and respect for the worth and dignity of every student, Mrs. Cummings’ mission is to foster a love for the written and spoken word through challenging lessons and life-relevant activities.  Her classroom is a place where students experience joy, laughter, learning, inspiration, and support while celebrating ongoing academic success. 

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